This will be a game changer in terms of managing teams within a workforce to ensure maximum productivity whilst ensuring the safety of your staff.
What is the COVID -19 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit?
The 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test detects IgM and IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2/ Covid-19 virus in human whole blood, serum or plasma.
This is a very simple finger prick test that gives you a result within 10 minutes.
The test will show both whether you or your staff currently have the virus or more importantly, have Antibodies to the virus and thus have built up a certain level of immunity.
IgG Positive - You have had the virus and display anti-bodies and are therefore have some level of immunity.
IgM Positive - You currently have the virus and should self-isolate & seek medical advice.
C is the Control Line to confirm the test is working correctly.
How soon can the 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test detect an infection?
In general, IgM antibodies appear at 7 to 14 days after infection, and IgG antibodies appear over two weeks after infection.
However we do not have exact data on the dynamics of the antibodies during this virus infection.
Has this test been compared with PCR tests?
The PCR Test is the more commonly known nasal swab test. The 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test was compared with PCR.
Specimens from patients whose COVID-19 disease statuses were confirmed using PCR, were tested using this Rapid test.
The results of the IgM and IgG components of the test are presented here.
IgM Results: Relative Sensitivity: 85.0% Relative Specificity: 96.0%
IgG Results: Relative Sensitivity: >99.9% Relative Specificity: 98.0%.
What is the Test used for?
These tests may be used to :
Determine the rate of exposure or prevalence of infection in specific populations.
Identify individuals who have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 as possible donors of convalescent plasma as a possible treatment option.
Confirm infection in individuals that have a clinical illness that suggests COVID-19 but have negative PCR results.
Assist with workplace and health care worker screening.
Research purposes around vaccine efficacy.
Can I get a false Positive result?
It is possible to get false positive results if you have had a present or past infection with a non- COVID-19 coronavirus strain.
For this reason, PCR is recommended in conjunction with clinical symptoms to confirm the result.
Can I get a false Negative result?
It is possible to get false negative results, the titre of the antibody varies from person to person after infection, depending on the individual.
If the antibody titre in the sample is low, it may not be detectable for 10 to 14 days after infection.
For this reason, PCR is recommended considered together with clinical symptoms.
How do I know that the test was run properly?
The appearance of a coloured line in the control line region (C) indicates that you followed the test procedure properly and the proper amount of specimen was absorbed.
What should I do if the result shows a Positive?
Self quarantine if your IgM line is positive and seek urgent medical advice from your medical professional, Doctor or hospital.
If your IgG line is positive you have had the infection and have built up a certain level of immunity.
What should I do if the result shows that I am Negative?
A negative result does not rule out SARS-CoV-2 particularly in those who have been in contact with the virus.
Follow up with a molecular diagnostic test [ PCR ] should be considered to rule out infection. If you feel unwell, you should see your doctor.
All conducted test results must be recorded and reported to NHLS.​**
All tests must be administered by a suitably qualified health professional.
**POC ( Point of Care ) Serological Test such as rapid/finger prick test kits are for professional use only and must be used on the direct supervision of a healthcare professional only. Tests are not allowed to be sold/ provided directly to patients for home/ personal use.
Point of care Rapid tests must be reported via the NHLS COVID Screening App (CSA) according to regulations. https://csa.nhls.ac.za/. ​
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